In the high-octane world of Fast & Furious, Dwayne Johnson’s iconic portrayal of Luke Hobbs burst onto the scene in Fast Five, leaving fans electrified. However, his journey took unexpected turns behind the scenes, leading to speculation about his future in the franchise. Now, as Fast X gears up for its physical release, director Louis Leterrier sheds light on Hobbs’ surprising comeback in the movie and how it adds an intriguing twist to the Fast saga.Over the course of its cinematic legacy, the Fast & Furious series has introduced a plethora of memorable characters, but few have left an impression quite like Dwayne Johnson’s Luke Hobbs. From his debut in Fast Five, he roared into the hearts of fans and solidified his place as a fan favorite.
‘That day was absolutely incredible’: Fast X director opens up about Dwayne Johnson’s return to action franchise