In a monumental achievement that underscores its widespread appeal and box office prowess, the dynamic duo of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone have propelled Fighter to soar past the coveted Rs. 300 crore mark at the worldwide box office.With an exhilarating blend of action-packed sequences, riveting performances, and a compelling storyline, Fighter has captivated audiences both at home and abroad, cementing its status as a global blockbuster.On its home turf, Fighter has set the box office ablaze, with a staggering India nett collection of Rs. 178.90 crores and a robust India gross of Rs. 212.98 crores. The film’s captivating narrative and the sizzling chemistry between Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone have struck a chord with audiences across the country, propelling it to blockbuster status within the Indian market.
Hrithik Roshan – Deepika Padukone starrer Fighter grosses Rs. 300 cr. at the worldwide box office