Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘s Son Aryan Khan affair talks have started in full swing. There is talk that Aryan Khan is dating Bollywood’s bold and beautiful Nora Fatehi. Where did these discussions begin? So from Dubai. Yes, some photos from Dubai went viral and Aryan and Nora dating rumors started.
Aryan and Nora’s photos are going viral on social media. Both were spotted at the same place and people linked them. In fact, Nora and Aryan are not together in the viral photo, but people have taken that meaning. Some called Aryan and Nora friends while others called it direct dating.
Aryan and Nora’s photos were first shared on Reddit and spread like wildfire from there. According to social media, these photos are from Dubai. Aryan gave a New Year party here. Hardy Sindhu and many of his friends are seen in this party. Nora was also seen here. Then netizens started giving different reactions on this.
What will happen to Ananya Pandey now? A user made such a funny comment. Many also defended Aryan and Nora. Just because they were spotted at the same place does not mean they are dating, many users defended the two. Now what is true will be known soon.