The journey from being BF to BF.
Last evening, I was taking a walk in the garden outside my house, where many kids were playing around the swings. As I strolled forward, my attention went to two kids- a boy and a girl, sitting comfortably on the grass at some distance from the slip-bar. It looked like the boy was older, around 8-9 years of age while the girl might be a 7 years old girl. They looked so cute and small sitting away from everyone; their expression suggesting that they are carrying the pressure of the whole world on their puny shoulders. I was rooted to my spot wanting to see what they are going to do.
After some time, the boy looked at the girl with a serious expression and said, “You know, I am your BF.” Scrunching her nose, the little girl asked him, “What is BF?” The boy leaned towards her as if he was indulging her with a very big secret and said, “BF means Best Friends”, and lovingly patted her head. Continuing his explanation, he told her, “Do you remember last week when I had a cold, no one was willing to sit with me at lunch. I was so upset. But then, you came and sat next to me and even shared your special lunch. That’s when I decided that I will be your BF.”
Their conversation took me to my young days when I went through some similar circumstances. During my college days, I had a special friend and we used to study together. Despite being in a class a year behind me, she used to take care of me as if she was made for me. Fighting for me like a lioness with the rogue boys of my class, her affinity for me made me ask her one day if she thinks of me as her BF. Smirking a little, she asked me coyly, “BF means?” It was that day I understood the real definition of BF. It’s not about hanging out or eating and drinking together. I don’t know why people take it the wrong way. This is another name for ‘care’, which we do for someone ‘special’. It’s about walking in the streets trying our best to make her feel ‘most special’. Such relationships are about embracing both their good and bad side, being with them through thick and thin, cherishing and admiring them, and motivating them to be the best version of themselves. At this juncture, the gimmicky word ‘BF’ changed the course of my life, opening my eyes to the most beautiful thing I have been blessed with.
It will be hardly surprising if I tell you that this ‘friend’ later became my BF i.e. ‘Being Forever’, whom we call wife . After the birth of my daughter, I once again became her BF. How, you ask? By being her “Babies Father”. After spending a long part of life together, one day I was resting on a relaxing chair and my gaze went to an old picture of my parents on the mantle. In the photo they were smiling at each other, as if they are sharing some secrets. They also were each other’s BF, “Besides Forever”. This is the purity of any relationship. Even when our hair turns grey, the flame of our love should burn brightly.
So this was my journey from being BF to BF, and I hope everyone in this world is blessed to be a BF in someone’s life.