Deepika Padukone has racked up a long list of achievements since her blockbuster Bollywood debut 15 years ago—including an association with iconic fashion maison Louis Vuitton—but refuses to rest on her laurels. In Vogue India’s May cover story, the actor discusses acting, accolades and aspirations.
Deepika Padukone: In 2018, the award was more specifically to recognise the work I’d done in the mental health space, whereas this time, it was to honour the work I’ve done so far, my contribution to the Indian film industry and the choices I’ve made as an actor. It just felt a lot more wholesome because mental health is a huge aspect of my life, but it’s not the only aspect of my life. All the ups and downs I’ve been through in my career—the learnings, the mistakes, the successes—the award felt like a culmination of it. All those memories of asking myself questions at the age of 18, like, “How am I going to break into this industry? What is the journey going to be like? Who are the people I’m going to meet on this journey? Will I be successful? Will I enjoy my craft?” just came full circle when the award was placed in my hands.